Commerical Contracted Packing and Filling
If you produce OTC medicines and/or cosmetic products, you should look into the benefits of commerical contracted filling with LF of America.
Commerical Contracted filling Filling is an industry that is often overlooked as an option for Product manufacturers looking for the most cost-effective way to get their product into the hand of their consumers. What we do is supply a highly needed partnership with our clients to become their packaging and distribution portion of their operation, removing much of the headache in running these kinds of businesses. While it’s possible to have your own internal department dedicated to these tasks, you should read on to see why outsourcing to an organization like LF of America is far more beneficial, and potentially, even more, cost-effective.
A bit about us- we’ve been in the Contracted Filling business since 1976, over 35 years. Our in-house existing packaging designs are second-to-none. We already feature many options for our clients to use for various methods of dosing and application. we know how much OTC and cosmetic products can vary in consistency, dosage, texture, and type. that’s why we make a container and applicator for just about any product you could create. Brushes, droppers, wands, swabs- we implement all of these tools throughout our various packaging types.
As professionals in this industry, we have a good handle on the whole process from start to finish. It isn’t just dosage and application we take into account either, but presentation style and aesthetics as well. No matter the size or scale of your operation, know that we can provide you with Contracted Filling that will always be able to meet the ever-growing demands of your organization. This can range from operations that are smaller in scope and even semi-manned, all the way up to massive large scale orders handled by state-of-the-art completely automated factory grade machines.
Not only is our process capable of producing the best packaging materials, and options in the Liquid Package Filling industry, but we are also one of the cleanest. in a world increasingly aware of the risks of bacteria and disease, we are proud to consider ourselves on our level of cleanliness and sterility. Our facility is FDA registered- and all our fillings are performed ina ISO-8 clean room which rigorously follows the Cosmetic GMP guidelines. Those guidelines themselves are built off a Quality control system designed around maintaining medical equipment standards. Why worry about cleanliness, design, proper, and safe packaging yourself? The answer is you don’t have to, let the professionals who set the industry standard handle this for your business! Call today for an estimate and more information: 561-988-0303.
LF of America: A Tekni-Plex Business
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